A RElaxing & stimulating environment


A RElaxing & stimulating environment

Relaxing and stimulating environment

There are many places to relax around Elmsfield House.

The conservatory offers the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine or for the more adventurous, a walk round the sensory garden. There is always plenty going on in the lounge.

Judith, our activities coordinator, keeps our guests entertained with daily activities including singing, baking, painting, pub quiz, animal therapy, films and of course bingo.

We encourage everyone to take part including visitors.

Come and join in the fun.

"I've never worked with so many dedicated, lovely, caring, people, who do go the extra mile"

Sue Stirzaker

If you would like to find out more about Elmsfield House and arrange a visit, get in touch with Rebecca Martin, our Care Home manager.

Call Rebecca on 015395 63896


Elmsfield House Ltd
Elmsfield House
Carnforth LA6 1RJ

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View our CQC report and rating

17th May 2019


Updated news about the current situation, what we are doing at Elmsfield House to help and information for Friends & family of residents. CLICK HERE.